Hailing from the decrepit US underground Abysmal Lord presents us with their third full-length offering known as Immortal Hunger. A furious and demonic bestial war metal album that crushes it’s listener into submission. If you’re even somewhat familiar with other bestial acts like Proclamation, Blasphemy, Black Witchery, and many others, than you’re gonna know this sound right off the bat.
The album starts with this eerie organ synth as inaudible demonic vocals ritualistically chant away in the background as you’re soon bombarded with cave man riffs, harsh drums, and raw bestial vocals that shake you down to your very core. The production is bare bones and perfect. Stripping back everything to give the instruments this intense live feeling that just makes you want to smash a head in. There isn’t much else to say really, what you see is what you get with this album. Simplistic and raw bestial black metal done in the perfect style. These guys are truly masters of the genre and know how to build atmosphere with the strange and occult segments in between tracks as well as the awesomely heavy sound they generate. The weird altered vocals, haunting laughs, and dark atmospheric sounds that appear in between certain tracks, help build this great mental image of discovering some long forgotten cursed grimoire filled with demonic secrets, with the actual metal part of the album being the hateful ramifications of reading said cursed grimoire. This album just gets the imagination flowing in general.
What you see is what you get with this album. Much like how bestial black metal legends Proclamation presented themselves with their album the same can be said with Abysmal Lord. Minimalism is the name of the game here, and its partly why I simply love it so much. This album was released just before the end of 2022 and I was blown away by just how awesome this album was and really found its self being one of my top albums of the year. Abysmal Lord just gets it right and really scratched that musical itch I’ve always been drawn to.
Any and all fans of trve bestial black metal must give this a listen, as its well worth it.