Hailing from the cold Russian wastes comes Черновство (Chernovstvo), a raw and malignant black metal act who’s discography consists of three short demo releases with short atmospheric passages, raw and abrasive guitars, drums, and shrill vocals that drill into the listeners psyche. All three of these releases were released this year, 2022, and really makes me wish these guys would put out a full length release. But what we have here is certainly worth noting and giving a listen if not to just support them in their cause.
Демо (Demo)

The first release out of the line up. A short, but impactful one with a long but atmosphere building intro that helps set the stage for the raw fidelity that is to come. The following are two rabid lo-fi black metal tracks that hearken back to the black metal days of old. The guitars are raw, the drums sound organic and pummel away at the psyche with endless d-beat, and shrill ear-piercing vocals that brings a chill to the soul. What I really enjoy from this release are the ambient interludes in between the auditory assault. While its brief, its a nice touch to the whole release and falls into the last track which adds some bonus synths to fill in that wall of sound the guitar makes. A very solid debut release and worth checking out, short, yet simple.
Демо II (Demo II)

The longest release from this band, opening the demo up with yet another long atmospheric intro, that leads into a somber acoustic guitar passage in the following track, which then bursts out into rapid fire tremolo picking and blast beats. A strong introduction and a very solid foundation of traditional black metal with plenty of atmosphere. They like to take their time on this release, stretching each track out for well over five minutes a pop, and yet they’re really able to keep the attention there, not deriving much from the original melodies they lay down in the beginning of the tracks, yet there is something about them that makes it incredibly addicting to listen to. On top of that the production, while still catering to that lo-fi raw crowd, there’s something a bit more cleaner and crisp about it. A perfect balance in my opinion and certainly their best release.
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The third and latest release from this band. Incredibly straight forward and to the point. Leaving behind all the ambient frills and just laying down harsh, raw, black metal that takes no prisoners. The three tracks are incredibly short, all being around two minutes each, and personally, leaves me wanting a proper full release from this act. While what they have here on this release is incredibly solid and I enjoyed listening to it, they just felt like ideas and little else. Definitely will be keeping an eye on these folks and hoping they have more in store in the future.
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